David Watson Hood, visual artist.
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Other flowers of Scotland",
Definitions of Medical actions:
Acrid: Causes heat and irritation when applied to the skin
Analgesic: Relieves pain
Anodyne: Relieves pain, it is milder than an analgesic
Anthelmintic: Expels parasites from the gut.
Antibacterial: Kills bacteria.
Antibiotic: A drug used to treat infections caused by bacteria and other micro-organisms. Originally, an antibiotic was a substance produced by one micro-organism that selectively inhibits the growth of another.
Anticholesterolemic: Prevents the build up of cholesterol.
Antifungal: An agent that inhibits or destroys fungi. Used in the treatment of various fungal problems such as candida.
Antihaemorrhoidal: Treats haemorrhoids (piles).
Antiinflamatory: Reduces inflammation of joints, injuries etc.
Antiphlogistic: Reduces inflammation.
Antirheumatic: Treats rheumatism.
Antiscorbutic: A plant rich in vitamin C that is used to counteract scurvy.
Antiseptic: Preventing sepsis, decay or putrefaction, it destroys or arrests the growth of micro-organisms.
Antispasmodic: Relaxes muscular spasms and cramps, calming nervous irritation.
Antitumor: Preventing, or effective against, tumors, it is used in the treatment of cancer. Probably synonymous with Cytotoxic.
Aperient: A mild laxative.
Aromatic: Having an agreeable odour and stimulant qualities.
Astringent: Produces contraction in living tissue, reducing the flow of secretions and discharges of blood, mucus, diarrhea etc.
Cardiotonic: A tonic for the heart.
Cathartic: A strong laxative but less violent than a purgative.
Carminative: Reduces flatulence and expels gas from the intestines.
Cholagogue: Increases the flow of bile and its discharge from the body.
Demulcent: Soothes, lubricates and softens irritated tissues, especially the mucous membranes.
Depurative: Eliminates toxins and purifies the system, especially the blood.
Diaphoretic: Induces perspiration.
Digestive: Aids digestion.
Diuretic: Acts on the kidneys, promoting the flow of urine.
Emetic: Induces vomiting.
Emmenagogue: Promotes or increases the menstrual flow.
Emollient: Softens the skin, causing warmth and moisture.
Enuresis: Treats bed wetting.
Expectorant: Clears phlegm from the chest by inducing coughing.
Febrifuge: Reduces fevers.
Galactogogue: Promotes the flow of milk in a nursing mother.
Haemostatic: Controls internal bleeding.
Hypnotic: Induces sleep.
Hypoglycaemic: Reduces the levels of sugar in the blood.
Hypotensive: Reduces blood pressure, it is used in the treatment of high blood pressure.
Insecticide: Kills insects.
Laxative: Stimulates bowel movements in a fairly gentle manner.
Mouthwash: Treats problems such as mouth ulcers.
Narcotic: Relieves pain, induces drowsiness and gives a sense of well-being.
Nutritive: A food for convalescents to help restore strength.
Opthalmic: Treats eye complaints.
Odontalgic: Treats toothache (temporary measure only) and other problems of the teeth and gums.
Parasiticide: Treats external parasites.
Poultice: A moist, usually warm or hot, mass of plant material applied to the skin in the treatment of burns etc.
Purgative: A drastic laxative causing a cleansing or watery evacuation of the bowels, usually with a griping pain.
Rubefacient: A counter-irritant and external stimulant, it produces inflammation and redness of the skin.
Salve: Soothes and heals damaged skin.
Sedative: Gently calms, reducing nervousness, distress and irritation.
Stimulant: Excites or quickens activity of the physiological processes. Faster acting than a tonic but differing from a narcotic in that it does not give a false sense of well-being.
Sudorific: Causing or increasing sweat (Diaphoretic).
Stomachic: Aids and improves the action of the stomach.
Tonic: Improves general health. Slower acting than a stimulant, it brings steady improvement.
Vasoconstrictor: Narrows the blood vessels, thereby increasing blood pressure.
Vasodilator: Widens the blood vessels, thereby reducing blood pressure.
Vermifuge: Expels worms.
Vulnerary: Promotes the healing of wounds.

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